Network Resiliency
We understand that every minute down can mean a loss of thousands of dollars to your company. With our proactive monitoring capabilities, we'll keep your business up and running.

Keeping You Up & Running
No witchcraft here... Just 3 fail-proof solutions we utilize in harmony to keep your organization up and running around the clock. Your business depends on technology to operate efficiently. Shield IT Networks delivers proactive solutions and support to guarantee your network will stay up and running
Proactive Monitoring
With our proactive monitoring, we monitor and manage your network 24/7 to watch for problems before they become disruptions. In Q1, Q2, and Q3 of 2022 we struck 100% proactive status which mean we were able to stop and correct issues without causing service disruptions.
Auto-Failover Networks
In the event of a major service disruption, such as a carrier service outage, an automatic switch will trigger a backup service connection, keeping your operations online. Just like a backup generator, we'll keep your lights on and make your neighbors envious.
24/7 US-Based Support
No overseas outsourced IT department here... Our operations remain in-house with 24/7 support capabilities. Round-the-clock support to make sure your operations stay up and running. One phone call, one support team, and a 90-second response time are always guaranteed.
We're Here To End Fingerpointing
No more sitting on hold with your network provider, frustrated after your networks fail during peak office hours. No more sitting on hold as you’re transferred from department to department, as your issue is “escalated”. With Shield IT Network’s 24/7 live-answer support, a team member will always be there to answer your questions and correct any issues you may be facing.